melee's space

19 | ENG/GER

Huge fan of vocal-synth, language, and technology. You can find my art, voicebanks, and other UTAU files here. I don't shut up about Linux either.
I do not have a consistent prescence online. My website will stay up though, even if I purge my other accounts.
You can reach me on Discord @supercoolnothing & on my YouTube.

Gender-fluid Lesbian


Here's where the links on the right take you to. . .

  • Homepage - where you are currently!
  • Site Updates - details about updates to the site pertaining to content and infrastructure.
  • About Me - more stuff about me (like other hobbies and such).

  • Voicebanks - where any and all information about my UTAU voicebanks is found. My finished voicebanks are avaliable for download along with my beta voicebanks that are in the process of being finished.
    • Specter - my main UTAUloid centered around my natural tone. Androgynous alto voice.
    • Lykaia - a second UTAUloid I voice with a nasal, tenor range.
    • Sectaria/Sectarian - my old main UTAU, replaced by Specter. Both of their banks can be found here.

  • UST Distribution - where my USTs (UTAU Script Files) can be downloaded.

  • Terms of Service (TOS) - how you're allowed to use the stuff I create. My TOS is kept purposely broad to allow for maximum creative expression.