melee's space

19 | ENG/GER

Huge fan of vocal-synth, language, and technology. You can find my art, voicebanks, and other UTAU files here. I don't shut up about Linux either.
I do not have a consistent prescence online. My website will stay up though, even if I purge my other accounts.
You can reach me on Discord @supercoolnothing & on my YouTube.

Gender-fluid Lesbian

Site Updates

What's next?

A way to implement site updates using jekyll's post structure. Right now, site updates html pages using the default layout used by every other page. Not great!

January 8th, 2025 - UST Packaging

I knew repacking all my USTs was gonna be a huge time-sink. I knew I would just keep finding them. I have so many covers I haven't finished. Ugh.

January 5th, 2025 - Specter

Sectaria doesn't represent the current me like she did back when I created her in 2021. Sectarian's creation, paired with Sectaria's personage, may have represented me back in 2023 when I was first exploring my gender, but they don't now. Specter, an androgynous being, is more me. I used to play up Sectaria's femininity to make her feel more "authentically" female. She couldn't not be a woman. If she's made to represent me, then why are parts of her manufactured to fit a different image? An image that isn't me? Now that I have grown to feel like I can be something other than female, my persona can represent that, too.

October 14th, 2024 - The big move...

Since the inception of, I've been using Neocities as my webhost. I really do like Neocities and what it stands for, but Neocities doesn't like me and won't let me upload big files ("big" in this case being over 20 MB). I even paid for the supporter package so I could have custom domain and no file size/type limits when uploading. Even with the extra money I was paying, I couldn't use my website to host my shit! With the help of my sister, my website is now using Vultr to host.