melee's space

19 | ENG/GER

Huge fan of vocal-synth, language, and technology. You can find my art, voicebanks, and other UTAU files here. I don't shut up about Linux either.
I do not have a consistent prescence online. My website will stay up though, even if I purge my other accounts.
You can reach me on Discord @supercoolnothing & on my YouTube.

Gender-fluid Lesbian

UST Distribution

English USTs

Song Name Original Artist Download Link
Turnstile Blues Autolux VCCV
Glide Clockhammer Peiton CVVC
Small Crimes Failure VCCV
Snowman Frost* (UK) Peiton CVVC
Unsung Helmet VCCV
Breaking the Habit Linkin Park Peiton CVVC
Two-Way Mirror Loathe VCCV
Everyday is Exactly the Same Nine Inch Nails VCCV
Hello Helicopter OSI Peiton CVVC
The Creator Has A Mastertape Porcupine Tree Yin-P CV-C | Peiton CVVC
Pretty When You Cry VAST VCCV
Melancholy of a Literary Boy ほえほえP + Oktavia's Lyrics VCCV

* My USTs are exported in the .ustx file format. If you're using vanilla UTAU, consider using UtaFormatix to convert .ustx to individual .ust tracks.
** I don't post my tuned USTs publicly due to them being completley unusable without the voicebanks I mangle (I sometimes merge Japanese and English banks together, create VCV lines, edit samples, etc.). If you'd like a tuned UST, shoot me a message, but use it at your own risk.